Become an IDOL 09: eLearning Community Project with Dana Kocalis
Jul 15, 2019
Published: July 15, 2019
Episode: 09
eLearning Community Project with Dana Kocalis
Guest: Dana Kocalis
In this episode, I’ll be chatting with the LinkedIn famous Dana Kocalis about her journey to become an IDOL and the eLearning community project she led and learned from last year. Dana is the owner of eLearning by Dana and a regular LinkedIn conversation starter. Last year we met when she started the eLearning Community project by posting on LinkedIn.
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In this episode we discuss:
- How Dana and I met on LinkedIn
- How Dana landed her first ID job before she had an ID degree
- The eLCP (eLearning Community Project) vision and outcome
- Lessons learned by Dana after attempting to get 80 newbie and expert instructional designers together to build one eLearning course together.
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