Become an IDOL 15: Teaching Teachers Instructional Design with Bejanae Kareem
Nov 05, 2019
Published: November 5, 2019
Episode: 15
Teaching teachers instructional design with Bejanae Kareem
Guest: Bejanae Kareem, Owner of BK International Education Consultancy
In this episode of Become an IDOL, I’ll be chatting with Bejanae Kareem, Executive Director and Owner of BK Consultancy, about her experience creating and launching BK to transitioning from secondary education to instructional design and eLearning development. We’ll be sharing tips for how educators can incorporate instructional design STEM-based classes into the classroom, tips to overcome common challenges, as well as tips for teachers experiencing burn-out.
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In this episode we discuss:
- The best way to break into the instructional design field as a secondary school teacher
- Fellowship: Fellows receive on-the-job training in instructional design principles
- Best practices on how to create engaging courses in the classroom
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📝 IDOL courses' Storyboard Template
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