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Become an IDOL: Top 5 Podcasts of 2020

#becomeanidol #elearning #idolcourses #impostersyndrome #instructionaldesignblog #instructionaldesigner #instuctionaldesign #learnerexperiencedesign #learninganddevelopment Dec 31, 2020

 It’s the last day of 2020. What a year, right? Life is full of events creating a wild ride. This year has felt unreal, like it was scripted out of a movie. The year has been challenging in ways many of us would have never imagined. Now we are on the eve of a New Year. 

This is the time most people set goals or resolutions for the next 365 days. I started this year by talking about kicking self-doubt to the curb. I know it is not always easy to overcome your self-doubt or imposter syndrome. Sadly, to say, many of us create self-doubt in our heads, negatively affecting how we perceive ourselves. The Women Talking About Learning Podcast ended the year with an episode on imposter syndrome. Twenty-five industry women talk about imposter syndrome, what it means, the effects, and overcoming it. This was one of my favorite podcasts this year because it shows others ….. guess what, you aren’t alone in your self-doubt. The question is, are you going to let your fears prevent you from seizing the New Year? I hope not.


On a lighter note, let’s review the top 5 Become an IDOL Podcasts for this year.

  1. Giving and Receiving Feedback with Clint Clarkson

As an instructional designer, you will need to give and receive feedback. It is essential to filter and assess the feedback you receive. Feedback comes from many places. Not all feedback is good. Implementing feedback helps you grow as an instructional designer. In this episode, Clint discusses the skill of getting and receiving feedback.


  1. Instructional Design Fundamentals with IDOL Mentor Nyla Spooner

In this episode, Nyla shared her insights for new instructional designers. Starting out in instructional design can be difficult, not knowing where to get started. If you are beginning in instructional design, IDOL courses is providing a free challenge to kick off the year. The 5-day challenge will start on January 4th and includes information on corporate instructional design principles needed to land your dream IDOL job, daily live trainings, and connecting you with others on the same journey. 


  1. ADDIE vs. HPT vs. Agile Instructional Design with Alexander Salas

When you are new to instructional design, you can be overwhelmed by the different theories or methodologies. In the episode, Alex shared insights on the history and application of ADDIE, Human Performance Technology (HPT), and Agile.


  1. Become an IDOL Advice with Zsolt Olah

Zsolt tells his ID story and offers advice for those on their ID journey. Zsolt is an experienced speaker and draws you in with his research and findings. If you want advice from someone who has been there, you should take a listen. 

  1. Gamification of Workplace Learning with Monica Cornetti 

 Sometimes when you pour your heart and soul into a project, it can hurt when someone tells you your baby is ugly. Monica shares her story on how she got into gamification, which has led her to become the Game Master at Gamicon and the owner of Sentenia Gamification. 

All these podcasts provide a wealth of knowledge and should be added to your New Year’s listening list if you haven’t checked them out already.


Written by: Tabatha Dragonberry

Connect with Tabatha on LinkedIn.

Tabatha is an EdTech entrepreneur, instructional designer, content writer, and educator dedicated to developing interactive and engaging learning ecosystems. She has a passion for gamification, learning experience design, and the integration of social learning to improve learner engagement and knowledge retention. Also, she is a respiratory therapist who hosts The Vent Room podcast providing a little inspiration to respiratory therapists.

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