Building an Instructional Design Portfolio: A Guide for Teachers
Jan 03, 2025
Are you committed to finding a job as an instructional designer? An instructional design portfolio is one of the most widely requested documents you’ll need during your search. But first — what is a portfolio?
A professional portfolio is a way to present your skills and past work to potential employers. It’s a visual representation of the skills that qualify you for the job you’re applying for and a way to demonstrate your capabilities. Think of it as a traditional resume but with imagery of work examples.
Not all job applications require a portfolio, but many in the art and design industry do. For example, writers, designers, artists, and developers typically keep an up-to-date portfolio. Those wanting to make the teacher career transition may not be familiar with portfolios but will need one to be hired as an instructional designer.
If that sounds like you, let’s dive into the step-by-step of portfolio building as you begin your new career.
Portfolio Building 101
Step 1: Choose the format of your instructional design portfolio.
Your instructional design portfolio should be easy to share and update as new work is completed. Digital portfolios, such as those created on Canva, Wix, or Squarespace, are user-friendly for website editing and easy to share with potential employers.
Many website-building sites offer portfolio-specific templates, but if you choose to design your portfolio from scratch, be sure to include the following pages:
- Personal introduction/about
- Work examples
- Testimonials
- Contact
Step 2: Include basic personal information.
Your personal information, such as contact information, may be even more important than including portfolio-building projects. It’s essential to make it easy for potential clients to figure out how to contact you. Include the following information at the beginning or end of your portfolio:
- First and last name
- Headshot or professional-looking photo
- Location
- Phone number
- Email address
Step 3: Present your skills.
For those making the teacher career transition into a new industry, now is the time to convert your teaching skills into transferable eLearning skills. While showcasing actual work is essential, proving transferable skills can be even more convincing to potential employers.
Some of the most relevant skills for instructional designers transitioning from teaching are:
- Verbal and written communication
- Analytical skills
- Technology and multimedia proficiency
- Understanding of learning techniques and theories
- Collaboration skills
- Creativity
- Critical thinking
Rather than list your skills, summarize them with examples of how you used them in real life. Even if your background is in another industry, share stories of successful outcomes thanks to how you used these skills specifically.
If you’ve earned relevant certifications and training, include those here. Certifications prove credibility and show your commitment to advancing your experience and education. This is where you’ll highlight your Certified Professional in Training and Performance certification from IDOL Academy!
Step 4: Select work examples.
Your instructional design portfolio should include at least three work examples. Choose varied examples, whether those are for three different clients or three different subject areas. Present your work in a problem-solution format, and include actual results (if available) from your work.
Do not include all of your work; include the best of the best of your work. You may divide your work into categories such as AR/VR game module examples, eLearning course creation, instructor-led training materials, and other work showcasing your most vital skills.
Step 5: Include testimonials.
An easy way to verify your work quality is to include client testimonials. When a project is completed, or you receive positive feedback, ask your client if you can share a quote on your portfolio. You may offer to keep their identity confidential or include it with contact information for referral purposes.
Instructional Design Portfolio Examples
Every IDOL student creates a portfolio during their studies. These instructional design portfolios shine brightly because they’re built on our unique framework, including Learner Experience Design (LXD), creation, peer review, and Academy Coach feedback. Keep scrolling to see a few of our IDOLs' impressive portfolios as inspiration for your design.
Margie includes a section for her goals, making the type of career she wants clear to potential hirers. She also includes personal touches to connect on a more personal level by including hobbies and interests. Her work showcase is organized by category (Storyboards, eLearning, Instructional Design) and easily accessible with clear visual examples.
Samantha has an easy-to-remember domain name, which makes sharing and accessing her portfolio even easier. Her site is organized into categories with attractive icons. Each work example includes a full case study with corresponding challenges, solutions, and results.
Ricky’s site is simple, single-scroll, with easy-to-access links for specific work examples. He includes testimonials to give potential employers an idea of what it’s like to work with him. He also includes both static images and dynamic videos to showcase his work.
Want to see even more examples? You can view more IDOL portfolios here!
Build Your Instructional Design Portfolio as a Beginner
Sign up for IDOL On Demand Bootcamp to build your instructional design portfolio without real-world experience. This flexible instructional design training program will help you learn the aspects of the industry you need to find a job – with portfolio-building opportunities along the way.
In six months or less, you’ll master the design and tech skills needed for a successful career in the instructional design field. You’ll experience training on instructional design-specific software and tools, learn exclusive industry insights, and gain experience based on real-world challenges instructional designers face daily.
At the end of your training, you’ll earn four credentials to add to your instructional design portfolio.
Enroll today to build your portfolio and take the next step forward in your new career!
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