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Leaving the Classroom Podcast 52: Networking for Teachers - 5 Effective Strategies to Build a Professional Network Outside Education

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Leaving the Classroom: A Transitioning Teacher Podcast

Leaving the Classroom Podcast 52: Networking for Teachers - 5 Effective Strategies to Build a Professional Network Outside Education

In this episode of the Leaving the Classroom Podcast, host Kristi Oliva discusses 5 effective strategies for teachers to build a professional network outside of education in order to transition into a new career. 

Tune in to find out:

  • How to leverage your current contacts, including colleagues, friends, family, former students, and parents 
  • The benefits of joining professional organizations and attending industry-specific events and conferences
  • Tips for using social media platforms like LinkedIn, Twitter, and Facebook to connect with industry professionals and learn about new fields

 Listen to the episode here:

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This podcast is sponsored by IDOL Courses and is the only authorized vocational school and implementation program of its kind that not only shows you exactly how to create your job application assets and build a portfolio from scratch but also includes credentials, mentorship, expert coaching, and paid experience opportunities in corporate instructional design and online learning for life! Learn more about the program here. 

Enjoy the podcast transcription:

Kristi Oliva  

Welcome to Leaving the Classroom. This is a podcast for teachers who are ready to transition out of the classroom and into a new career. Each week, I'll share stories about what I've learned moving from education to the corporate world. I'll answer the most common questions and share my best tips to help you get started. If you are considering leaving the classroom, this show is for you. 


Kristi Oliva

Welcome to Leaving the Classroom. I'm Kristi Oliva, and I'm so glad you're here. Today, we're talking about networking and if you are a teacher looking to transition into a new career, building a professional network outside of education can feel really overwhelming. Where do you even start? How do you connect with people in industries that you're not familiar with? 


Kristi Oliva

Well, in today's episode, I'm going to break it down for you and share five effective strategies for networking outside of education. Whether you're an introvert or a networking pro, these tips are going to help you build valuable connections and open doors to new opportunities. 


Kristi Oliva

So let's talk about your professional network. So first of all, you need to leverage your current contacts. You already have existing connections, so reach out to colleagues, friends, family, who might have connections in other industries. Inform your existing network about your career transition if you feel comfortable, and ask if they know anyone in your desired field, and I'm sure somebody does. You'd be surprised how many connections you can make through people you already know. You can reconnect with former students and parents. Your former students or their parents might have valuable connections. For example, a parent might work in a company that currently aligns with your career goals. It's all about tapping into your current network and finding those new opportunities. 


Kristi Oliva

Next, I encourage you to join professional organizations. Look for industry-specific groups like ATD. Join groups that are related to your new career interests, like the Project Management Institute or the Society for Human Resource Management. Look for local chapters and attend meetings or events to build connections. These groups can be gold mines for networking. And don't forget about your university or teaching organization alumni associations. The alumni networks often host networking events and provide job boards. They're great for finding connections and job opportunities. 


Kristi Oliva

Next, you should be attending events and webinars and industry conferences. Participate in conferences that are related to the new industry you want to get into. Not only is this going to help you figure out if it's really where you want to be, but you're going to be building connections. Even virtual conferences can provide really valuable networking opportunities. They're a great way to meet industry professionals and learn about the latest trends. Also, look into local meetups and workshops. Engage in these local opportunities. Sites like or Eventbrite list local networking events and workshops around you, and they can help you make connections and gain insights into your new field in a more local way. 


Kristi Oliva

Next, use social media. If you're not already on LinkedIn, you need to be. Optimize your profile and actively engage on LinkedIn. Join LinkedIn groups that are related to your career interests and participate in discussions. LinkedIn is a social media platform like anywhere else and rewards activity. It's a great platform to connect with industry professionals and to stay updated. You could also use Twitter and Facebook, follow industry leaders and join relevant groups. Twitter chats and Facebook groups can provide real-time engagement with professionals. These platforms can help you build connections and learn from experts in your field. So take advantage. 


Kristi Oliva

Next, you should be doing informational interviews. Now these interviews are all about learning about new fields and making connections in those fields. So the way you do this is you're going to reach out to professionals in your desired field and request a brief meeting to learn about their career path. It is a great way to gain insights and build relationships. So prepare some thoughtful questions and be respectful of their time. For example, ask about their day-to-day responsibilities. What are the necessary skills in their field, and what advice do they have for newcomers? This will help you make the most of these valuable interactions. 


Kristi Oliva

Today, we covered some great networking strategies for teachers looking to transition into a new career. Remember to start with your existing connections. Join professional organizations. Attend events and webinars. Use social media and conduct informational interviews. By taking these tips and leveraging them to your advantage, you can build a strong professional network and open up amazing new opportunities. 


Kristi Oliva

Thanks for tuning in, and don't hesitate to reach out if you need more guidance. Happy networking. That's all for this episode, but you can find more at or subscribe to the podcast. And if you are ready to leave the classroom, use my code classroom100 and get $100 off enrollment to IDOL courses Academy.


Send your stories or questions to [email protected] or share them with me on Instagram @leavingtheclassroom.

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