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Diary of a New IDOL: Month 3

Jan 24, 2021

What is your design process? 

Every designer does things a little differently, and every company requires different processes and steps when designing a course. This month we will reflect on what process works best for us in our new IDOL positions. 


In my department of the company, instructional design is relatively new. Therefore, there are not many processes in place for “best practice” in developing a course. This can be viewed as a very positive thing, or negative. I choose to view this in a positive light because it means that I can set the standard for how I want the process to be. I get to find out how I develop courses best. For me, I have discovered that a prototyping process works best in most cases for what I am developing for my company. To find out more about how that works for me, take a look at the vlog post for this month.


We use a pretty standard process for Instructional Design.  My manager is the one that receives all the requests and he will initially vet the requests to see if it is viable for the team. Once we are assigned a project we are responsible for setting up meetings with SMEs and getting the ball rolling.  The really good thing is that our company already has defined SMEs for each department so it makes it easier to know who to reach out to and make those connections.  Please check out the video to learn more about a course I designed.

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