6 Ways AI is Changing the Instructional Design Industry
Mar 14, 2024
Artificial intelligence (AI) is changing our everyday lifestyle; from companionship to gaming and home automation to productivity, there’s no escaping its role in the digital era.
Artificial intelligence is a technology that allows computers or machines to simulate problem-solving and other human intelligence capabilities. You’ve probably heard of things like ChatGPT or generative AI. These tools, relatively new to public use, reportedly make life easier but also strike fear in those who worry about how it can (or should) be used ethically.
But we’re not here to discuss that just yet. We’ve evaluated how AI in learning and development actively shapes how technology is used in instructional design for students, instructors, and companies everywhere.
How AI is Used in Learning and Development
AI-based learning is not just a buzzword in the instructional design industry—it’s here to help instructional designers and students evolve their learning more deeply! We’ve identified the top instructional design examples of AI in learning and development to help inspire you to incorporate the tool into your planning.
#1 Content Creation
If you’re familiar with ChatGPT, it won’t surprise you that content creation and generation is one of the easiest ways to incorporate AI in learning and development. AI can automate the content creation process by creating quizzes, flashcards, worksheets, assessments, text summaries, and other learning materials based on a set of information.
Not only does AI in learning and development help an instructional designer create their course content, but it can also give them a unique perspective on the learning material while saving valuable time and energy. Course development is often the most time-consuming task instructional designers face, but many aspects can be automated thanks to AI.
#2 Gamification
Gamification is a learning strategy that uses gaming elements, like leaderboards, points, and rewards, to encourage and motivate learning and recall. Using AI to assign triggers for rewards and move players to the next achievement level reduces manual labor time and automates much of the learning experience without downtime.
AI-based learning mechanisms can also create puzzles and games, increase difficulty levels, and create role-playing experiences to improve the learning experience.
#3 Personalized Learning
One of the most significant uses of AI-based learning in course development is the advantage of personalized or customized learning based on each student’s needs. Artificial intelligence tools can translate a student’s current abilities, compare them to learning goals, and create a personalized learning plan specifically tailored for the student. Personalized learning also reduces study time for the student, who can skip learning modules they’ve already perfected.
For example, suppose a student has mastered the basics of the alphabet but needs help with numbers. In that case, AI-based personalized learning can identify their alphabet strength while reducing the alphabet-focused learning content and encouraging more recall of the number-focused content.
#4 Grading, Assessment, and Feedback
AI in learning and development is helping students receive assessments and feedback faster than ever. Automated grading and assessments for quizzes and tests allow instructional designers and educational professionals to take one more administrative task off their plate. This automated instructional design example will also enable students to get immediate feedback to continue learning at their own pace.
#5 Predictive Analytics
To improve learning materials, instructional designers must analyze their students’ performance, interactions, and recall compared to the course content. Predictive analytics powered by AI can identify improvements based on time spent in a module or areas of struggle.
AI-based learning will automate the analysis of student data, including assignment scores, test scores, participation, recall statistics, and so much more.
#6 Virtual Tutors and Instructors
One significant way AI is used in learning and development is through virtual, 24/7 availability of an instructor or tutor. Chatbots and virtual assistants can assist students anytime, providing guidance or answering questions about instructional material. Students can better understand the course material on-demand while keeping up with their schedule. Instructors can allocate time to developing new coursework and other roles.
How AI in Learning and Development Will Improve Instructional Design
Now that we’ve covered the instructional design examples of AI in learning and development, you’ll see that AI improves instructional design in one significant way—it saves time, which is a valuable resource for instructional designers and students alike.
Instructional designers should start learning the ins and outs of artificial intelligence to evaluate how it can benefit their development of course material and analysis. The sooner you get familiar with the concepts and power behind AI-based learning, the sooner you’ll improve your efficiency. You may even be able to automate so much of your role that you can take on even more work—which means salary growth. Plus, thanks to gamification and personalized learning, students will see the benefits of more personalized learning plans and improved learning experiences.
AI-based learning will make the instructional design industry even more efficient, saving valuable time and energy and automating some of the less “fun” tasks that instructional designers dread.
If you’re ready to hop on the instructional design train headed for AI town—grab a ticket! We’re leading the way by training our instructional design students in the latest technology and AI-based learning formats at IDOL Academy. In as little as 24 weeks, you can master everything there is to know about instructional design, create a jaw-dropping portfolio, and practice the skills your dream job is looking for. Enroll in the next cohort today!
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