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We shape and nurture your skills.

IDOL courses encourages career advancement. We support you in reaching your career objectives, regardless of how much experience you have in instructional design and eLearning development. With our authorized trade school for instructional design and online learning, you can acquire fundamental practical skills, specialize later on in your career, and keep up your knowledge base.


Become a Certified Professional in Training and Performance

on a fully gamified platform.

When you level up your skills, you amplify your earning potential. So you could see a measurable payoff as soon as you land that higher-paying position, negotiate a raise, sign a client, or secure that end-of-year performance bonus. In fact, plenty of graduates tell us they nearly doubled their annual income! How’s that for ROI?

Because the IDOL Academy certification is the professional credential companies look for, our graduates earn immediate attention from employers, recruiters, and prospective clients after adding their CPTP status to LinkedIn profiles and resumes. 

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Professional Certification in Instructional Design and Online Learning

Certified Professional in Training and Performance (CPTP)
* Cohort Based



Instructional Design Training on Your Terms.

If you want all the training to become an instructional designer, build a portfolio, and job application assets without the rigor and assessments required for certification this is the program for you.

Designed for the daring and the self-directed, IDOL courses on Demand is your personalized on-ramp to an exciting career in instructional design. Dive into our extensive library of training and tools specifically honed for the instructional designer’s craft, ranging from exclusive industry insights to user-friendly authoring software, ensuring you're equipped for the real-world challenges of this dynamic field. 

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Instructional Design and Online Learning Career Course

4 Micro-Credentials
* Self-Paced 
* On-Demand



IDOL Academy vs IDOL on Demand

What's your preferred learning experience?



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Liz Bradley

IDOL gave me the tools, support, community, and confidence to continuously work towards my goal. I fully support anyone thinking about joining IDOL, you will love it!

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Jim Reed

IDOL did a fabulous job at preparing me for a career in Instructional Design through their extensive resources and community/coach feedback. I feel so prepared to step into my new eLearning role in food manufacturing.

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Caley Donat

IDOL helped me build my portfolio and resume which helped me land interviews. It took a lot a patience, but looking back it only took me 6 months to make a huge career pivot!

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Amanda Ocampo

I cannot express enough how strongly I believe the IDOL is worth every penny. Not only did it provide instruction and massive support to learning ID theory and design tools-it also well prepared me for the job application and interview process. I felt very confident in my abilities when I interviewed and I believe that IDOL is why I landed the job!

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Sara Nelson

IDOL has been a wonderful way to fill in the gaps I was experiencing with my Masters program. I love that there is "no behind" and I can jump around to whatever content is most relevant to where I am in the moment. And, new material is always being added so there's ALWAYS something new to learn. I'm so glad that I found and joined IDOL!!

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Charles Swartout

The insight that I have gained from the mentor sessions has been extremely beneficial. Landing the job on the same day that the Academy started was perfect timing. I continue to learn as I grow in my skill set and it is nice to know that there is a group of peers and mentors there cheering me on.

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Asya Jones

This is a great program if you are already an ID or wanting to become one. The resources and mentors really help steam line your learning.

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Tricia Jones

I was transitioning back to ID after YEARS of being out of the industry. IDOL provided the information, structure and support I needed so I could focus on my path and plug away. It is not easy to transition but it is very possible with IDOL. I am forever grateful for this program and community. Thank you!

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Alisha Weinberg

IDOL Academy provided me with a learning platform to help hone my skillset and allowed me access to such an incredibly supportive and inspiring community of professionals.